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AIR TRAVEL - How it Affects Your Hair, Nails and Skin - How to Prepare and How to Recover

Air travel certainly takes a toll on our bodies and that toll is paid with our hair, nails, and skin. In this edition, we're going to learn about what happens to our hair, nails, and skin during a flight, how to limit the impact and how to recover.


During a flight, your body is exposed to a radically different environment than your hair is normally accustomed to. Air pressure and oxygen levels are different, humidity and temperature may be lower, and your stress levels are up. As you may recall from our previous edition, increased stress levels mean increased cortisol. All of these factors compromise the molecular structure of your hair leaving it dry and brittle. Your scalp will try to compensate by increasing oil production making your hair greasy as well. Further, sitting in a high-backed chair, like on an airplane, places friction on your hair causing breakage and loss.


Preparing your hair before flying is essential for limiting the damage upon arrival.

Wash your hair the day before: Prepare your hair with moisture and nutrients. Choose shampoo and conditioner products that have good moisturizing ingredients - hyaluronic acid, argan, coconut, jojoba, and castor oil are all good examples.

Use a hair mask: Apply from the middle of the hair shaft to the end and leave in for the maximum amount of time. It's important to avoid contact with the scalp as this will make it too oily and be counterproductive.

Consider a leave-in treatment: A lightweight leave-in treatment can help provide long lasting moisture without a flattening effect.

Style your hair in a loose ponytail: Minimalize stress on your hair with a simple style

Wear a silk scarf: Silk can help minimize friction between your hair and the seat which will result in breakage and frizz.


After a flight, your hair went through a lot. If at all possible, wait 1 day before washing.

Apply dry shampoo: Applying dry shampoo to the roots and working through with your fingers and a brush can help boost volume and texture while also combating grease.

Oil or Serum: Apply a small amount to restore moisture

Use a hair mask: After 1 day, use a hair mask to give your hair and scalp some extra nourishment and care

Try a hair spa: Hair spas, such as those offered at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon are a great way to revitalize your hair and scalp and perfect for delivering much needed moisture and nourishment.


In our previous post, we learned that our nails, just like the rest of our body need moisture to be healthy. Air travel is very drying on the body and that leads to weak and brittle nails.


Get a Mani Pedi: Nails with a rounded shape will survive travelling better. Consider a clear coat as a protective layer

Paraffin Wax: As we learned in our previous edition, paraffin wax treatments, such as those offered at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon, can help seal in the moisture healthy nails crave


Even with preparation, your nails have likely experienced dehydration and prone to breakage.

Get a Mani Pedi: A professionally performed mani pedi is always a great choice for strong and healthy nails

Paraffin Wax: Your nails need moisture and paraffin wax is a great treatment to nourish your nails as well as your skin.


Stress and dehydration are two of the worse things your skin can experience and flying delivers both. We learn a lot about what our skin needs in our previous articles, , and but today we'll take a look at some of the air travel specific concerns. Dry skin isn't the only concern, at higher altitudes air pressure becomes lower and negatively impacts blood flow and the lymphatic drainage system resulting in dull skin and puffy faces. People who suffer from existing skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis will be particularly impacted. However, with a little preparation you can greatly help mitigate these issues.


Hydration: Water is crucial to healthy skin. We took a look at hydration before in and if you haven't read it you should. Water intake, starting the week prior must be perfect. Your skin will desperately need this moisture.

Exfoliate the night before: You need to get rid of as many dead skin cells as possible so that your skin can absorb the maximum amount of moisture possible. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers several facials that can help provide a dep cleanse and deliver extra moisture.

Moisturize the night before: We suggest a good moisturizing routine on any occasion but before flying it is essential. Ideally after a cold shower and while the skin is still damp. No hot showers before flying, as this will disrupt the body's moisture levels further.

Avoid makeup: You're probably not going to be able to carry out your normal skin care routine inflight. Makeup left on the skin can clog pores and exasperate the impact flying is already having on your skin.

Sunscreen: While flying you can be exposed to higher-than-normal UV rays. Choose a sunscreen with a high SPF and reapply regularly. You can learn more about how the sun and UV rays impact our skin in our previous article,

Bring a hydrating facemask: and moisturizers: It'll be hard to manage your skin care routine while flying, but a mask as well as a moisturizer will help mitigate the dry environment.

Massage your face: During the flight, apply a serum or light cream from your chin to your ear and then down to your collarbone. This will help keep the puffiness to a minimum.


Your skin just went through a lot and you probably missed out on a lot of your skin care routine. It's important to get back to that routine and give your skin what it needs.

Deep cleanse: A deep cleanse facial, such as those offered at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon will be an essential step in recovering your skin. You'll want to clear out any clogged pores as well as deliver a good amount of moisture to your skin. Your skin needs moisture to be healthy. The facial massage applied during a facial will also help get fluids moving reducing any puffiness you may be experiencing.

No hot showers for 24 hours: Hot showers can actually remove moisture from the skin. Before and after a flight, that's a risk you can't take.

Hydration: Keep up the increased hydration and look for skin care products that contain hyaluronic acid.


Air travel takes a lot out of us. Our hair, nails and skin will be subjected to a harsh environment but with a little preparation and a little aftercare, you can still feel and look your best. If you're planning a trip or just got back from one, Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers many services to help your hair, skin and nails get ready and to get back to normal.

Don't you deserve to feel and look your best?

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