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BACK TO SCHOOL WITH TEENAGE ACNE - What causes it and what you can do

It's back to school time and one thing that many teenagers and pre-teens, both boys and girls, struggle with is acne. Studies also show that while boys tend to suffer more severe acne, girls report more severe feelings of stigmatization and unattractiveness. This can result is depression. Acne is a natural response of the body, and it is the most common skin ailment. It doesn't mean that you're dirty or in some way bad. Everyone deserves to feel their best.

And if you're feeling depressed or unattractive because of acne, just remember, attractiveness starts with confidence and confidence is a choice. Your skin does some pretty amazing things for you, but it's not the only part of you.


Acne typically first appears around the start of puberty. The age varies from person to person but is often around 12 years or so. This is associated with the massive changes in hormones the body is undergoing. The hormones responsible are called androgens. For boys, these androgens are testosterone and for girls they are progesterone. Genetics and skin type play a role. People with a family history or oily skin are more likely to experience acne.

The increased production of androgens causes an enlargement of the sebaceous glands. Those are the glands that produce sebum. We've talked about sebum before, it's an important oil for your skin, but as the glands enlarge, sebum production increases. The extra sebum can become stuck in pores and mixed with dead skin cells. When this happens, blackheads and whiteheads begin to form.

The trapped sebum is a favorite snack of a bacteria called C. acnes. This is a bacteria that is normally present in the skin. When it gets locked in a clogged pore full of sebum it rapidly multiplies. This is when pimples, nodules, and cysts begin to form. Don't be tempted to pop a pimple though, that will spread the sebum and bacteria to other pores and may result in scarring. There are times when popping a pimple may be appropriate but that should be done by a dermatologist.


There are several factors that can worsen an acne breakout. These include:

Diet: Data on diet changes frequently, and the reason why some foods are worse than others for acne is not completely clear. However, current data suggests that dairy, sugar, refined carbs, fried foods, chocolate, seaweed, high acid-forming foods (that means acidic after digestion, not before), processed foods, and low fiber foods negatively impact acne. Foods that are high in antioxidants, omega-3s, minerals, vitamin D, and probiotics are believed to be helpful in fighting acne.

Skin Care Products and Cosmetics: Oil based skin care products can contribute to clogged pores. Water based products are less likely to be problematic.

Clothing and Safety Equipment: Clothing and safety equipment that presses tightly against the skin can contribute to clogged pores. Wear properly fitting items and give the skin chances to breathe.

Stress: Studies have linked high stress levels to more severe acne breakouts. Working to reduce stress can help

Sweat: Sweat is another thing that can help clog pores. Take care to wash your face after periods of physical excursion.

Protein Powders: Many protein powders contain whey which can increase androgen production.

Bed Linen: Bed linen can gather up remnants of skin care products and skin cells that may be reintroduced into your pores. Replace linen regularly.


A doctor is needed to treat severe cases, but there are a number of things you can do to treat and manage acne.

Start a Skin Care Routine Early: In our previous article,, we discussed a basic day/night skin care template. A simplified version of this, focusing on cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizing can be used starting before puberty. Ant-acne face masks may be helpful when used properly. Select products that focus on managing oil and are formulated for your skin type. Avoid harsh and abrasive scrubs. Makeup should be labeled as non-comedogenic. Mineral based makeup powders may worsen acne.

Over the Counter Medications: Products containing Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid may be helpful in managing breakouts that have started. If results are not seen within a few months, it may be time to see a doctor.

Diet: As discussed above, certain foods are believed to be triggers for acne while other foods can help fight acne. Maintaining a diet rich in vitamins and healthy nutrients is essential.

Reduce Stress: Find ways to reduce stress, there are many and what's right for one person isn't for the next. Stress can have a number of negative impacts on the body and can disrupt sleep patterns. Our previous article, discusses the importance of quality sleep and what happens to your body when you don't get it.

Avoid Touching Your Face and Never Pop a Pimple Yourself: Touching your face can spread oil and bacteria and popping a pimple could spread the sebum and bacteria to other pores as well as increase scarring.


Both teenage boys and girls can benefit from a professional facial. A spa treatment can help augment your skin care routine and help reduce stress. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers several treatments that are safe for all ages. For younger teenagers, the simpler treatments like our deep cleaning facial or Madonna Gold may be more appropriate. Our Nano Whitening treatment is formulated for ages 16 and up. Diamond Peels, Galvanic Facelifts, Facial Rejuvenation, and IPL may be a little too intense for younger teenagers, but older teenagers and people in their 20s (who can still suffer from teenage acne) may benefit. Our aestheticians are always available to consult on the right treatment. These treatments augment, not replace good skin care practices and aren't appropriate for everyone. We offer a wider range of services as well that may be of interest to older people.

Deep Cleaning Facial

Our basic facial, removes toxins and excess oils, unclogs pores, removes dead skin cells, moisturizes and hydrates the skin

Facial w/ Diamond Peel

One of the most powerful peels available on the market. Uses a diamond to gently rub away old skin cells leaving a radiant and youthful look. Does not require harsh chemicals

Facial with Nano Whitening

A variant of the basic facial, imported from Thailand, reduces blemishes, wrinkles, sunburns, acne scars, blackheads, and hyperpigmentation. Leaves a light, radiant complexion.

Facial Rejuvenation

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes facial veins, reduces acne scars.Relieves sun spots, redness and rosacea

Galvanic Facelift

Use a gentle galvanic current to aid in the deep penetration of the treatment. We use a collagen-based treatment to restore the skin's elasticity, remove wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.

IPL Rejuvenation

Use a powerful light to gently encourage collagen production which will reduce wrinkles and evens skin tone


The teenage years can be tough. The body goes through massive changes that alters its chemistry and appearance. Acne is often cited as an underlying cause of depression in teenagers due to its outward appearance. It's not because the sebum leaks into your brain and makes you feel sad, and the C. acnes bacteria isn't whispering mean things to you. It's the bullying, the stigmatization, and the mean-spirited comments. It doesn't stop with acne, all kinds of physical and mental attributes can become targets.

Teenagers aren't sure of who they are yet, they're undergoing so many changes and a lot of awkwardness. They also lack the life skills required in dealing with others positively, and how to deal with negative people. Positive adult guidance, especially from parents is crucial in helping teenagers feel good about themselves. And everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.

Acne, how straight your hair is, physical dimensions, athletic ability, wearing glasses, and sexual orientation doesn't define you. You define you.

Teenagers who are suffering from depression may exhibit these symptoms:

  • Sadness, anxiety, feeling hopeless

  • Staying awake at night and sleeping during the day

  • Sudden drop in school performance

  • Withdrawal from friends and family

  • Drugs and Alcohol

  • Unexplained crying

  • Extreme reactions to rejection or failure

Not everyone exhibits the same symptoms and not every symptom is always a sign of depression, but if there is a concern a doctor should be involved. Most importantly, teenagers need an environment where they can talk about their feelings and their lives openly. Fostering such an environment begins at birth. Depression isn't something that just goes away or can just be turned off, but it can be hidden. Left unaddressed, the consequences of depression can be quite dire.

People who have a good and positive feelings about themselves tend to spread those feelings to others. Here are some ways teenagers can foster a positive body image:

Practice Mindfulness: Our previous article, gives some tips on this amazing practice. It's a great way to stay intune with your body and manage your thoughts on what matters

Know that Nobody is Perfect: Everyone has something going on. They have something they don't like about themselves.

Don't Body Shame Yourself: Mindfulness helps with this, but when negative thoughts about your appearance pop up, don't dwell on them. Move on to something positive.

Take Care of Yourself: Feeling good means living good. Foster good exercise, diet, and skin care habits early. Avoid fads and extreme skin care methods. Research and choose wisely. Beauty starts with wellness and wellness starts with knowledge. Don't forget to take time for yourself and do things you enjoy.

Images in the Media aren't just Altered, they're now Fake: Many people, especially teenage girls, will see a picture of a model and aspire to be like her. In the past, these images were often heavily manipulated. Digital editing tools, like the liquify tool, can easily alter body dimensions in seconds. There's even a slider to change the shape of the face, alter the jawline, alter eye size and distance. It's easy to do. Wigs and makeup can make people appear however the advertiser desires. Now, with AI tools, entire people can be created out of thin air in seconds. They're fake, they have no substance, and they have no life.


Teenage acne is very common. It is the result of natural changes in the body and typically passes as hormones stabilize. Establishing good skin care and diet habits early on can help limit the severity of outbreaks. Maintaining a healthy body image can also help ward off depression linked to teenage acne.

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