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Glutathione, commonly called gluta, is an antioxidant naturally produced in the body from the amino acids cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine. Glutathione eliminates free radicals in the body that damages cells and contributes to the aging process. Where do these free radicals come from? Pollution in the air, cigarette smoke, UV radiation and a variety of other substances both from outside and inside the body. Glutathione is also used during the digestive process and is useful in bolstering the immune system. Glutathione is commonly used in a variety of medical treatments and aesthetic services.

One of the most sought aesthetic benefits here in the Philippines is as a skin whitening agent. Glutathione inhibits the production of melanin resulting in a more even skin tone, lighter skin color, reduction of dark spots and reduction in hyperpigmentation. It also has a positive influence on reducing inflammation, acne and eczema. While glutathione is naturally produced in the body by healthy individuals, it can be augmented with diet and supplements. When administered in a salon setting, supplements most commonly take the form of Glutathione IV Therapy, typically referred to as gluta drip or gluta push.


Glutathione IV Treatment is a form of gluta supplement most commonly administered in salons. In this treatment, the gluta product is administered intravenously. This can be done using a drip where the product slowly drips through a catheter into the client's bloodstream or using the push method where the product is introduced through the catheter into the bloodstream with the assistance of a syringe. IV supplements are superior to ingested supplements since glutathione is not absorbed through the stomach efficiently. By taking the glutathione directly into the bloodstream, the maximum benefit of the treatment can be realized.

IV administered glutathione supplements are generally safer than their inhaled counterparts. For maximum safety and effectiveness, Mel's Hair and Nail Salon's treatments are administered by a registered nurse whom we have carefully vetted and share's our interest in prioritizing safety. Treatments are generally administered over the course of several weeks with results becoming stronger after each treatment. If skin whitening is your goal, effectiveness depends on your skin type and how many treatments you participate in. If skin whitening is not your goal, Mel's Hair and Nail Salon's aestheticians have treatments that will make any skin tone beautiful.


Many Glutathione IV Treatment products exist, all with various benefits and typically mixed with collagen and other vitamins and antioxidants. Check out our last article on the benefits of collagen. Vitamin C and collagen boosters are also offered with our treatments. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon uses only reputable products imported from major manufactures in Korea, Switzerland and Japan. Unfortunately, not all establishments are as cautious about what products they use or how the acquire them. Always ask to see the unopened product and inspect the factory seals. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon will always offer you this opportunity.


While side effects for Glutathione are rare and typically mild, they do exist. As is typically of any IV delivered treatment, some people may experience redness and itching at the injection site. You may also experience some fatigue after a treatment, especially if you are new to glutathione IV therapy. A very small percent of the population may experience an allergic reaction to glutathione. Excessive use may contribute to bloating, cramping or zinc deficiencies. If you're considering a glutathione treatment, it is advisable that you consult with your doctor. Note that we are only discussing Glutathione IV treatments here, other forms of glutathione supplements have different risks and side effects.

Glutathione IV Treatments should not be administered to individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, those with liver problems, kidney problems, uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid problems or those with a known hypersensitivity reaction to glutathione. Please check with your doctor before participating in a glutathione IV treatment. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon uses only registered nurses who are qualified in the administration of glutathione IV, it is important that participants be honest during pre-screening and feel free to ask any questions before beginning. Forms of Glutathione supplements other than IV have different side effects, it is suggested that you thoroughly review the side effects, constraints, and effectiveness of whatever treatment you choose.

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