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HEALTHY NAILS, HEALTHY YOU- Nail Health and the True Benefits of Mani/Pedis

Are finger and toe nails a canvass to express yourself on? Yup. But they're a lot more than that. Strong healthy nails are a sign of good health and taking care of your nail health is part of not just looking your best, but feeling your best.


When it comes to feeling and looking your best, you must have an understanding of how your body works. So we'll start with what your nails are made of how they're formed. Both your finger and toenails work the same.

Nail creation begins in the nail matrix. That's a little pouch just under the base of your nail where cells are formed. You can see a little of it, the white crest just above your cuticle, called the lunula, is the top of the nail matrix visible through your nail. In the nail matrix, cells are generated and push out of the matrix. As these cells die, they produce keratin that is pushed by new cells past the eponychium and the cuticle over the nail bed forming the nail plate which we know as the finger or toenail. The eponychium along with the cuticle create a seal protecting you from infection. The size, thickness and health of the nail matrix determines the thickness, shape and health of the nail. Your nails offer a little glimpse at the health of your body. Several medical conditions can be seen by examination of the nail.


Many of us will suffer problems with our nails from time to time. Here are some common problems and things that can help.

Problem: Ingrown Nails

This is a common and often painful condition that arises when the nail grows into the nail fold resulting in inflamed tissue. It can be caused or exacerbated by wearing tight shoes and improper nail cutting. It can also be caused by exposure to sweat and injuries such as stubbing your toe. Certain nail shapes are also more prone to this condition.


If you suffer from ingrown nails, wearing properly fitted shoes and washing your hands and feet properly can help. A trained and experienced manicurist can also help by cutting and cleaning the nails properly.

Problem: Fungal Infections

Nail fungal infections, also called onychomycosis, are the result of exposure to certain fungi that live all around us. You are particularly susceptible if you have had athlete's foot, spend time barefoot in public areas, have already damaged nails, suffer from psoriasis, have diabetes, conditions impairing blood flow, your immune system is compromised, suffer from a biotin deficiency, or share infected nail clippers.


Fungal sufferers should ensure that their nails are kept short, dry and clean. A professional manicurist can help do this properly. Wearing breathable socks and using antifungal sprays or powders can also be beneficial. Always keep your feet covered in public spaces. Rubber gloves can help keep your hands dry when working with water, and avoid biting your nails. If you a prone to nail fungus you may want to avoid nail extensions and polishes until your condition improves.

Problem: Bacterial Infections

Bacteria infections can often occur with improper cuticle care or with improperly sterilized tools. The cuticle is a critical component to your body's outer barrier. It serves as a wall against bacteria. Pushing back the cuticle can be helpful in improving this barrier, but it should not be removed.


Always see a professional manicurist to ensure you are receiving a safe and clean service. Regular nail trimming and cleaning, when done properly, can help keep your nails infection free. Avoid procedures that involve the removal of the cuticle especially if you are prone to infection. If you do choose a cuticle removing nail treatment, make sure it is done by an experienced manicurist, your nails are properly cleaned, and all tools are properly sterilized.

Problem: Brittle Nails

Nails naturally become more brittle with age, and if you've read our other articles you can guess why. Keratin. Keratin production drops off as you get older and your nails depend on keratin. Brittle nails can also be the result of nutritional deficiencies such as biotin (vitamin B7), zinc, or iron. Certain medications can also weaken your nails. Injury to your nails, (like biting them) will also weaken your nails. Cold and dry weather can be a factor, as can medical conditions. Improper handwashing can damage your nail strength. Excessive and improper use of polishes and polish removers can further damage your nails.


Ensure you're eating a keratin friendly diet. Iron, zinc and B7 are all critical to nail health. Medical conditions should be addressed by a doctor. Be gentle when washing your hands. Keep your nails trimmed and shaped properly. A professional and experienced manicurist can make sure this is done properly. Avoid biting your nails, and always see a professional manicurist for your polish and extension removal needs- this procedure needs to be done properly.


Mani/Pedis do a lot more than just help keep our nails healthy and looking nice. Here are some additional benefits:

Reduce Infections: Regular mani/pedis help keep your skin moisturized, and your nails clean limiting the opportunities for infections to take hold.

Healthy Blood Circulation: The massage portion of mani/pedi helps improve the flow of blood and ease muscle strain. This reduces any aches or pains you may be experiencing and improves joint mobility

Reduced Back Pain: Calluses on your feet effect how you distribute your weight and balance. Poor weight distribution and balance greatly contribute to back pain.

Anti-Aging: Better blood flow and reduced cellulite contribute to tighter skin and stronger muscles. A mani/pedi helps to keep you looking young and fresh.

Mental Health: Mani/pedis can be a relaxing experience, freeing your mind and body of stress and giving you the opportunity to focus more on what really matters.

To get the most out of these benefits, it is recommended that you get a mani/pedi by a professional, experienced manicurist every 2-3 weeks. These benefits are for men as well. Everyone can benefit from a mani/pedi


Well cared for nails is part of your self-care. When you take care of your nails, you take care of yourself. The benefits go beyond your nails with an impact to the total body. These benefits can be had by both men and women. Don't neglect your nail health, get a man/pedi by a qualified manicurist every 2-3 weeks.

Don't you deserve to feel and look your best?

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