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HYDRATION- Are you drinking enough water? What does water do for your body, skin, hair, and nails?

We often hear about the importance of drinking enough water, but why? How much water should you be drinking and what are the benefits to your body, your hair, your skin, and your nails?


Water is a component of and used by every part of your body. It is a critical component to digestion- used both in the production of saliva and to dissolve, as well as to deliver vitamins and minerals once in your stomach. Water helps to keep your bowels regular, preventing constipation. Water helps regulate your body temperature. It serves as a lubricant and a cushion to your joints and spine. Water helps remove waste from the body. Sufficient water consumption can help with weight loss. It helps defend against a variety of illnesses. It keeps your energy levels up. Water aids in mental clarity and memory. It's crucial for your liver and kidneys to function. Water also helps maximize your physical strength and endurance. Without water, your mind will cloud and your body functions will shut down.


Want healthy and beautiful hair? Then drink water. Your hair absolutely depends on sufficient water consumption to grow and to be beautiful. When you drink enough water, your hair follicles receive their needed vitamins and minerals to support hair growth. Your hair will be strong, you'll experience less brittle hair, fewer split ends, and less hair loss. The toxins damaging to hair will be flushed out of your body. Your scalp will remain nourished so you'll have less experiences with itchy scalp and dandruff.


Staying properly hydrated is also necessary for healthy and beautiful skin. Drinking water aides in keeping your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin produces fewer oils that clog pores meaning less acne. Your immune system will also benefit, allowing it to fight off bacteria linked to acne. Drinking enough water can help balance your skin's pH levels. When your skin's pH is balanced it is less prone to being dry and flaky. Proper hydration helps your body flush toxins, many of which can have a long-term negative impact on your skin.


Your nails need you to stay hydrated for them to be healthy. About 18% of the nail plate is made of water. When you are dehydrated you nails become thin and brittle. White splotches on your nails can be the result of the keratin cells lacking water. Staying hydrated helps your nails to grow thick and strong.


On average, women need about 11.5 cups per day and men need about 15.5 cups per day. This estimate includes the water you're expected to get from food which accounts for about 20% of your required intake. Eating foods like watermelon, grapes, oranges, lettuce, spinach, pineapple, and other high water content foods will help ensure you meet this goal. Many people like to carry reusable water bottles throughout the day - adding a healthy flavor additive can make it easier to consume. People who participate in vigorous activities or are in a hot climate may need more water. Certain medical conditions may also require increased water consumption. Urine color can be an indicator of your hydration level - pale yellow indicates better hydration, dark yellow suggests poor hydration.

Listening to your body is always a good idea, if you feel thirsty, you probably need to drink water. If you experience symptoms of dehydration, such as, headaches, dizziness, poor mood, bad memory, and difficulty thinking, you probably need some water. Overhydration is also possible. The symptoms of overhydration are similar to underhydration and may include seizures. People who are exerting particular physical effort may need to establish a hydration schedule that includes sodium replacement. A nutritionist can best help you determine your appropriate water intake needs.


Proper hydration is vital to the proper operation of our bodies and will form a solid foundation for health. Beauty and wellbeing begins with health. Being sure that you get enough water, both by drinking it and from high water content foods.

Don't you deserve to feel and look your best?

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