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KEEPING OUR SKIN BEAUTIFUL AS WE AGE - Fighting Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Melasma, Sagging Skin and Acne

Wrinkles. Fine lines. Melasma. Sagging Skin. Acne. Blemishes of all sorts. These are things that we all deal with as we age. This week we learn about what causes these skin imperfections and some of the things we can do to make sure our skin stays as young and beautiful as possible.


Wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin are one of the most recognizable signs of aging on our faces. This damage can also be caused by various medical conditions and lifestyle choices.

In the diagram above, we have a rough representation of the layers of skin showing two important proteins: collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are produced in the dermis and act as a sort of support structure for the epidermis. When we're young, this structure is strong and plentiful, a healthy body will naturally produce these proteins. Oh, and by young, we mean under the age of 20. At age 20 the body begins to slow down the production of collagen. At age 25 the slow down becomes more pronounced and even more drastic at age 40. It doesn't get better after that. The body stops producing elastin at puberty. If you want beautiful skin when you're old, you must care for it when you're young. The loss of collagen and elastin results in the collapse of the epidermis- wrinkles, lines and sagging skin is the result.


Age isn't the only thing that causes our bodies to slow the production of and accelerate the depletion of collagen and elastin. There are many factors linked to our lifestyle choices, environmental conditions, and our health.

UV RADIATION: Excessive exposure to UV Radiation, found in sunlight, damages the collagen in the dermis. It also induces the production of abnormal elastin which further damage the collagen proteins.

What You Can Do: Wear sunscreen, limit direct sunlight exposure with umbrellas and hats. Exfoliation treatments, such as a Diamond Peel can stimulate healthy regeneration of skin cells and collagen limiting harmful UV damage. 24K Gold Facials also have some sun damage repairing qualities as do some IPL Rejuvenation treatments.

Smoking: Exposure to tobacco smoke, both 1st and 2nd hand, will have a detrimental effect on your skin. Tobacco smoke constricts blood vessels near the skin's surface impeded blood flow and nutrient distribution. Tobacco smoke also contains around 4,000 chemicals, each known to damage collagen and elastin proteins. In one study, exposure to tobacco smoke was found to lead to a 40% decrease in collagen production on top of the decrease you'll already be experience from age.

What You Can Do: Avoid smoking and exposure to 2nd hand smoke. In addition to avoiding tobacco smoke, exfoliation and hydration treatments can help limit the damage. Most of the facials offered at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon will provide some benefit.

Poor Nutrition: Proper collagen production is dependent on good nutrition. In order for your body to produce collagen, it needs protein, zinc, and Vitamin C. Sugars and alcohols will have the opposite effect, impeding the production of collagen.

What You Can Do: Eat well. A diet rich in good proteins, fruits and vegetables is the foundation for beautiful skin. Avoid too much sugar and alcohol. Collagen production can be supplemented and induced with injectable forms such as those found in BB Glow Therapy, Galvanic Facials, and certain gluta drip treatments. Topical applications are not effective as a supplement.

Hormonal Changes: There is a link between collagen and estrogen. Collagen needs estrogen, and estrogen levels decrease in the body starting in our 20s.

What You Can Do: Good choices early on will help mitigate damage later. Easier said than done though, some of these choices weren't available for everyone when they were younger. Good choices now will still help though. Estrogen treatments exist and that can help. Injectable forms of collagen can help as well. Many facials, peels, IPL treatments and gluta drip treatments can also help.

Bad Gut Bacteria: In your digestive system their exists good bacteria and bad bacteria. When the balance of these bacteria tilts in favor of the bad, you can experience inflammation and bloating. In addition to making you feel unwell, bad gut bacteria can also inhibit the production of collagen.

What You Can Do: These symptoms should be discussed with a doctor, but probiotics and collagen supplements can help. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers many treatments that can supplement and encourage collagen production - Diamond Peels, BB Glow Therapy, Galvanic Facelifts, as well as gluta drip treatments.

Air Pollution: Pollutants found in the air can clog and irritate your skin as well as damage collagen and elastin strands.

What You can Do: Deep cleanse facials can help. Even the simplest facial treatments typically include a deep cleanse step.

Poor Sleep: Sleep is necessary for the body to repair cells. When you don't get enough sleep your body will punish you with cortisol. Cortisol degrades collagen.

What You Can Do: Make sure you are getting good, quality sleep. Taking time for self-care can help with that. IPL Rejuvenation can help repair some of this damage.

Stress: Stress also releases cortisol into the body which degrades collagen. Self-care is important to limit stress. Many people find value in treatments offered at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon for fighting stress. Facial treatments can be a very soothing experience and can help reverse stress induced damage to the skin as well.


Melasma is another common skin condition that worsens with age. It is caused by hyperactive pigmentation cells in the skin and is most prominent in women with light brown skin tones living in regions subject to high sun exposure - sound like someone you know?

There are a variety of underlying causes of melasma. Most of these need to be determined and treated by a doctor. There are some steps you can take to mitigate the effects and a qualified aesthetician can help. Treatments such as BB Glow Therapy, Galvanic Facelift, Facial Rejuvenation, and IPL Rejuvenation can be effective. If the cause is the result of waxing, IPL treatments can be an alternative (more gentle and longer lasting too). Many facials can also help with sun exposure damage. Chemical exposure, such as those found in certain chemical peels can be replaced with Diamond Peel which is both more powerful and more effective. If the cause is associated with inflammation, collagen-based treatments can be helpful.


Acne is probably the first age related skin condition most of us dealt with, and for many, it never really went away. Serious acne conditions should be looked at by a doctor, but there is a lot that a qualified aesthetician can do to help.

There are three main causes of acne. Sebum- an oil naturally produced in your skin, bacteria, and dead skin cells. In all three causes, your pores become clogged resulting in acne outbreaks. Nearly all of the facial treatments offered at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon are effective in fighting and repairing acne. Exfoliation and extraction are both typical steps of most facial treatments. Some of the best for this purpose are:

BB Glow Therapy

Galvanic Facelift

Basic Facial

Diamond Peel

Nano Whitening

Facial Rejuvenation

IPL Rejuvenation

24K Gold Facial


Dry skin is another common skin concern that worsens with age. There are numerous causes, some need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

Excessive Washing: In the epidermis, you have a layer of cells called lipids, These lipids are part of your skin's protective barrier and help regulate moisture. When washing it is possible to damage the lipids. When the lipids are not functioning correctly you will suffer from dry skin.

What You Can Do: Wash gently and observe your skin care product instructions and minimize the use of harsh exfoliants. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers a variety of deep cleanse and safer exfoliant options that can keep your skin clear and hydrated. BB Glow Therapy, Galvanic Facelift, Deep Cleanse Facial, and Diamond Peel are some of the more popular treatments.

Weather: When your skin is exposed to low humidity air it can struggle to maintain proper hydration. During rainy and humid weather, the natural hydrating oils in your skin may be compromised.

What You Can Do: Use good quality moisturizers and apply correctly. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers a variety of moisturizing facial treatments that can help keep your skin moist and fresh.

Chemicals: If you're prone to dry skin already, harsh soaps, alcohols, fragrances, and many other common chemical products can compromise your skin's hydration.

What You Can Do: Look for skin care products appropriate for your skin type. The aestheticians at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon can help with skin care advice and a variety of moisturizing treatments.

Health: Various health conditions can contribute to dry skin. Allergies, eczema, diabetes and kidney diseases can all contribute to dry skin. If your dry skin is attributed to one of these conditions you should consult with your doctor as these may be constraints to many aesthetician performed treatments.

What You Can Do: Follow your doctor's advice, use good quality moisturizers, and if appropriate try one of the various hydrating treatments at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon.

Heat: Heat can reduce the moisture exposure to the skin and accelerate the evaporation of moisture from the skin.

What You Can Do: Use good quality moisturizers. The aestheticians at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon can administer a number of good hydrating treatments as well.

Medication: Certain blood pressure drugs, cholesterol medications, acne medications, wrinkle creams, and antihistamines can contribute to dry skin.

What You Can Do: Consult with your doctor and follow his advice. Avoid self treating acne and wrinkles- Mel's Hair and Nail Salon's aestheticians are trained and experience in the proper application of these treatments and can help you select the correct products and follow up services.

Sun Exposure: So the sun damages the collagen in your skin giving you wrinkles, it triggers melasma, and yes, it dries your skin. When your skin is exposed to excessive sunlight, UV rays can damage the skin cells resulting in flaking.

What You Can Do: Limit exposure to the sun and use a good quality sunscreen. An exfoliation treatment like a Diamond Peel can help removed damaged cells. Deep Cleanse Facials, Nano Whitening, and Rejuvenation Facials are also popular options for treating sun based dry skin

Age: As we age, our skin is exposed to so many chemicals and so many hours of sunlight. Our capacity to repair and replace cells diminishes. We lose the ability to produce the natural oils needed for healthy skin. Hormone balances change, our lipid barrier weakens.

What You Can Do: How serious and how soon you will suffer these effects depends on the choices you make when you're young. The foundation for many of these problems begin at around age 20. A good diet and proper exercise are essential. There is no treatment our aestheticians can offer that will replace that. However, the damage can be mitigated. A good skin care routine, supplemented with hydrating facials, good quality exfoliation, and collagen supplements can help. One of our most popular treatments for fighting the signs of age is BB Glow Therapy.


There's a number of treatments available at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon that will help keep your skin beautiful as you age. Our aestheticians are always available to help you find the right product for your goals and needs.

24K Gold Facial

Slows down collagen depletion making the skin firmer and more elastic. Reduces the effects of aging. Gold is a conduit allowing deeper penetration of the treatment in the skin

BB Glow Therapy

Combines BB Glow, BB Blush, and Liptint in a 6 session treatment plan. More powerful than a facial, it uses a microneedle to painlessly deliver the treatment. Reduces redness, removes under eye circles, reduces large pores, fights acnes and melasma, restores dull skin to a youthful appearance. Adds a gentle blush, moisturizes lips and adds a semi-permanent lip color. Additional collagen and acne treatments are available. Materials are easily acquired but is only safe and effective when performed by an aesthetician who has completed a manufacturer approved training program

Deep Cleaning Facial

Our basic facial, removes toxins and excess oils, unclogs pores, removes dead skin cells, moisturizes and hydrates the skin

Facial w/ Diamond Peel

One of the most powerful peels available on the market. Uses a diamond to gently rub away old skin cells leaving a radiant and youthful look. Does not require harsh chemicals

Facial with Nano Whitening

A variant of the basic facial, imported from Thailand, reduces blemishes, wrinkles, sunburns, acne scars, blackheads, and hyperpigmentation. Leaves a light, radiant complexion.

Facial Rejuvenation

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes facial veins, reduces acne scars.Relieves sun spots, redness and rosacea

Galvanic Facelift

Use a gentle galvanic current to aid in the deep penetration of the treatment. We use a collagen based treatment to restore the skin's elasticity, remove wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.

IPL Rejuvenation

Use a powerful light to gently encourage collagen production which will reduce wrinkles and evens skin tone

Madonna Facial with Rejuvenation

Combines the effects of Madonna Gold with Rejuvenation

Madonna Gold Facial

Smooth, tighter skin. reduces open poors and acne scars. Lifted and contoured finish. Gold is a conduit allowing deeper penetration of the treatment in the skin

Underarm IPL w/whitening

Uses a powerful light to gently remove underarm hair and lightens skin. Lasts longer than waxing and is painless

Aquaskin Diamond

Gluta, antioxidants


High gluta content, vitamin C

Shiro w/Stem Cell

High gluta content, stem cells, vitamin B and C


Wrinkles, lines, sagging skin, acne, dry skin and other blemishes are a natural part of aging. How soon and how severe you will experience these affects depends on the choices you make when you're young. As discussed earlier, the foundation for many of these issues people experience at middle and elderly ages actually began around age 20. Making good choices, maintaining a good diet and exercise as well as a good skin care regimen will ensure beautiful and healthy skin throughout your life. If you're already seeing these signs of aging, it still isn't too late to make the right choices. Help is always available at Mel's Hair and Nail Salon.

Don't you deserve to feel and look your best?

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