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SKIN CARE ROUTINE - A Template for Day and Night

A good skin care routine is a great way to help us feel and look our best, more importantly, a good routine- based on our skin's needs, promotes healthy skin. Our skin changes during the day and at night. Just like the rest of our body our skin works on a circadian rhythm. Understanding the changes your skin undertakes through the day and night is the basis for an effective skin care routine.


Circadian rhythms are defined as physical, mental and behavioral changes an organism experiences over a 24 hour period. We often hear about circadian rhythms in terms of our sleep cycle, but they also apply to your organs and other bodily functions.

During the day, your skin is exposed to all kinds of threats like UV radiation, pollution, and free radicals. These threats cause serious damage, not just to your skin but to your very DNA itself. During this time your skin is fighting to protect itself and you.

At the earliest part of the day, your skin's temperature is the lowest. This is because while you were sleeping your body pulled its heat into the core to aid with sleep. As the day progresses, the sun warms your skin leaving it vulnerable to inflammation, redness, and variances in pigmentation. To counter this, your skin's antioxidant production peaks during the day.

Sebum production increases from morning to afternoon. Sebum is an oil your skin produces to form a protective barrier; it also helps your skin retain moisture. If your skin becomes too dry, your body will try to compensate by producing more sebum. Overproduction of sebum can result in oily skin, clogged pores, and acne breakouts. Reduced sebum production can result in dry and flaky skin. While sebum is beneficial as a moisture barrier, it also limits the effectiveness of skin care products.

At night, your skin switches from defense to repair. Your sebum production drops to its lowest levels meaning that your skin is more permeable and less effective in holding moisture. Skin care products are more easily absorbed during this time.

Cell repair and DNA repair are both at their highest levels at night. Your immune system is also strengthened.

Understanding the skin's natural circadian rhythm shows us that daytime is about protecting and night is about repairing. We can use this to our advantage in developing an effective skin care routine, choosing products that support our skin's natural functions at the right time.


As we discussed above, during the day your skin is naturally working to protect itself and by extension, you. Our goal for a daytime skin care routine is to support and bolster the skin's natural protective efforts. Here is a suggested order; it is most effective when done quickly as to avoid moisture loss during the process:

Cleanser: Washing your face first thing in the morning with a sulfate-free foaming cleanser is one of the most important steps. First, it'll remove any traces of your nighttime products which may interfere with your daytime routine. Second, it'll remove oils secreted overnight that will impede the protection of your sunscreen product.

Toner: This is another important step. Toner will help deliver immediate moisturization to your skin. This helps bolster your natural moisture barrier, nourishing and promoting its protective abilities. Further, moist skin is more receptive to your skin care products. Next, toner will help remove any minerals left behind by the water you just washed with. Additionally, toner will balance out the pH of your skin. Your pH could easily be thrown out of balance by your cleanser and that could result in dry skin. Look for alcohol-free products formulated for your skin type.

Serum: Next, we're going to help our skin a boost in its protective function. An antioxidant serum with vitamin C will help ward off the damage from UV exposure, pollution and free radicals. Remember, our goal for a daytime skin care routine is to support our skin's natural efforts and during the day our skin is working on protection. A vitamin C based product will give the added benefit of reducing dark spots and restoring dull skin.

Sunscreen: Sunscreen is essential to protecting our skin. You want a product that is 30-50 SPF that has moisturizing properties. Some sunscreens have physical blockers, others have chemical blockers, and some have both. Choose the one that feels best for you, just make sure the product has moisturizing properties. Adding additional moisturizer can degrade your sunscreen and will be counterproductive. You'll want to apply additional layers of sunscreen throughout the day- strive for every 2 hours if you spend a lot of time outside. If you don't spend a lot of time outside two to three applications should be sufficient. If you're wearing makeup you may want to use a tinted powder or aerosol product.

Eye Cream: Not everyone needs to include this, but if you have concerns about puffy eyes or crow's feet you may want to. Just make sure it's a lightweight product. Many eye creams contain oils that may damage your sunscreen application.

Blemish Treatments: This is another step that is done on an as needed basis. Before applying, use a damp cotton swap to wipe the blemish clean, then apply the treatment. Gently pat some sunscreen over the spot and if choosing to do so, apply a concealer with sunscreen properties.

Makeup: Once the above is complete, apply your makeup if you're wearing it.


As the sun goes down, our skin shifts from protection to repairing. An effective skin care routine should also shift to support and enhance our body's natural efforts. Here's a suggested night routine, work through it quickly for best results:

Cleanser: Your skin went through a lot during the day, exposed to all kinds of pollutants, secretions, care products, and makeup. The first step in a nighttime routine is clear all of that away. Look for a lotion-based cleanser, the emollients in the lotion will mix with and dissolve the emollients left by your daytime products and help clear your face better. This is most effective when applied to dry skin.

Mask: There's a ton of masks out there, choose one that supports what your skin needs. An exfoliator mask may be beneficial, as may a clay mask. Make sure you follow the product instructions and rinse thoroughly after. If your skin is already irritated, you may want to skip exfoliation and consider a mask that soothes irritated skin. Be careful to avoid overuse of any mask. This does not need to be done every night and the choice should be therapeutic. If you're not getting a benefit from a mask, stop using it.

Toner: Just like during our daytime routine, we want to apply a toner to help remove any trace minerals left on our skin during the previous steps and to balance out our skin's pH. It also helps moisturize the skin and make it more receptive to the rest of your nighttime routine. Look for an alcohol-free product formulated for your skin type and let it stay damp on your skin.

Serum: This step is where we're going to give our skin the extra boost it needs to heal and restore itself. As we discussed earlier, your skin's permeable barrier is weakest at night and therefore most receptive to your healing products. Look for products that contain healing and restorative ingredients. There's a number of products available, the choice depends on your ultimate skin care goals. The big ingredients took for are hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, vitamin C, mandelic acid, glycolic acid and retinol. Keep in mind that some of these ingredients shouldn't be mixed with others so stick with reputable brands formulated for your skin type and needs.

Moisturizer: Your skin's ability to retain moisture is diminished at night so it's important to give it a boost. Make sure the product you select does not have sunscreen; these are often labeled as night creams. You'll also want to make sure the product is formulated for your skin type.

Eye Serum and Eye Cream: Start with a good quality eye serum to hydrate and exfoliate the sensitive skin around the eyes then apply an eye cream. This will help ward off lines and crow's feet.

Blemish Treatments: If needed, wipe the blemish clean and dab the blemish treatment just there.

Face Oils: If you have dry skin or will be spending time in a low humidity environment you may find some benefit from face oils. If you choose to use a face oil, make sure it is the final step as it will form a barrier. The intent is to lock moisture into your skin, using it too early will inhibit the effectiveness of any other product you're using. Keep in mind that if you have oily skin, face oils may make breakouts more common or severe.


Some products can inhibit the effectiveness of others. If you have a prescription product, it should take priority over everything else. It's important to discuss your prescription with your doctor and be prepared to discuss all of the other skin care products you're using- what they are and what their main ingredients are. Beauty comes from health, not the other way around.


Good skin care starts early and builds until it becomes a routine. A simple routine can be introduced before puberty with a cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizing practice. Teenagers may want to incorporate some oil management and anti-acne products. Starting in our 20s, adding anti-aging products will pay off later. Our previous article, goes into more detail about what your skin needs as we age.


24K Gold Facial

Slows down collagen depletion making the skin firmer and more elastic. Reduces the effects of aging. Gold is a conduit allowing deeper penetration of the treatment in the skin

BB Glow Therapy

Combines BB Glow, BB Blush, and Liptint in a 6 session treatment plan. More powerful than a facial, it uses a microneedle to painlessly deliver the treatment. Reduces redness, removes under eye circles, reduces large pores, fights acnes and melasma, restores dull skin to a youthful appearance. Adds a gentle blush, moisturizes lips and adds a semi-permanent lip color. Additional collagen and acne treatments are available. Materials are easily acquired but is only safe and effective when performed by an aesthetician who has completed a manufacturer approved training program

Deep Cleaning Facial

Our basic facial, removes toxins and excess oils, unclogs pores, removes dead skin cells, moisturizes and hydrates the skin

Facial w/ Diamond Peel

One of the most powerful peels available on the market. Uses a diamond to gently rub away old skin cells leaving a radiant and youthful look. Does not require harsh chemicals

Facial with Nano Whitening

A variant of the basic facial, imported from Thailand, reduces blemishes, wrinkles, sunburns, acne scars, blackheads, and hyperpigmentation. Leaves a light, radiant complexion.

Facial Rejuvenation

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes facial veins, reduces acne scars.Relieves sun spots, redness and rosacea

Galvanic Facelift

Use a gentle galvanic current to aid in the deep penetration of the treatment. We use a collagen-based treatment to restore the skin's elasticity, remove wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.

IPL Rejuvenation

Use a powerful light to gently encourage collagen production which will reduce wrinkles and evens skin tone

Madonna Facial with Rejuvenation

Combines the effects of Madonna Gold with Rejuvenation

Madonna Gold Facial

Smooth, tighter skin. reduces open poors and acne scars. Lifted and contoured finish. Gold is a conduit allowing deeper penetration of the treatment in the skin

Underarm IPL w/whitening

Uses a powerful light to gently remove underarm hair and lightens skin. Lasts longer than waxing and is painless

Aquaskin Diamond

Gluta, antioxidants


High gluta content, vitamin C

Shiro w/Stem Cell

High gluta content, stem cells, vitamin B and C


Our skin changes from day to night. An effective skin care strategy is one that supports our skin's natura cycles- protection during the day, restoration at night. Starting a simple routine early in life will pay off later. Pay attention to what products are being mixed and always consult a doctor about mixing prescription products with your routine.

Don't you deserve to feel and look your best?

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