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THE SUN AND YOU - How the Sun Affects our Hair, Skin, Bodies, and Mood - The Good and the Bad

The sun, for those who haven't heard of it before, is a giant, 4.5-billion-year-old ball of burning hydrogen and helium about 150 million kilometers from Earth. It's an unpleasant place that's very far away. So why do we care about a place with absolutely no market for hair, nail, or spa services? Because it's impacts everything on this planet, including our hair, our skin, our bodies, and our mood. That's pretty powerful and something we all need to understand in order to be safe, happy and healthy.


The sun sends many things to Earth, all of which are important but we're going to focus on ultraviolet rays here. Ultraviolet rays (UV) are invisible energy that arrives on the Earth's surface in two forms, UVA and UVB. UVA rays have a longer wavelength and penetrate deeper into the body. UVB rays have shorter wavelengths and effect the outer surfaces of the body. You can also be exposed to UV rays through artificial sources. There's good and bad here - beauty begins with wellness, wellness begins with knowledge. There's one more form of UV to note, that's UVC. UVC is the most dangerous in terms of increased cancer risk but is largely blocked by the ozone layer. Damage to the ozone layer increases the chances of UVC exposure. UVC exposure can also occur from artificial sources.


When we spend unprotected time in the sun, our skin is exposed to UV rays, both the UVA and UVB type. UVB rays penetrate the epidermis and damages the skin cells. You may recognize this damage as a sunburn, but it does more damage than that. UVB rays can damage the skin cell's DNA and eventually lead to skin cancer. Additionally, exposure to UVB rays cause premature aging of the skin via the destruction of collagen. In fact, most visible changes in the skin associated with age are the result of sun exposure. UVB rays can also cause freckles, nevi (moles), lentigines (sunspots aka liver spots) and diffuse brown pigmentation (splotchy complexion). It can also have a negative impact on the immune system. While your skin has protective measures against UV exposure, its ability to do so weakens with age.

UVA rays penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Like UVB rays, UVA rays are also linked to skin cancer and premature aging. UVA rays can also trigger inflammation. Tanning or darkening of the skin is actually a defense response of the skin against UVA rays.

UV exposure has some positive effects. UV exposure has been linked to reduce hypertension. This was previously thought to be due to increased vitamin D production but is now believed to be linked directly to UVB exposure. Several autoimmune conditions can be improved with UV exposure. Eczema, psoriasis, and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma are all examples. One of the best-known benefits of sun exposure is the increased production of vitamin D. When cholesterol in skin cells mix with UVB rays the result is vitamin D. If you're interested in learning more about vitamins, check out our article,


UV exposure has a number of effects on our hair. First, there is a common myth that hair can be sunburnt. Sunburn is a skin condition; the scalp can become sunburnt. There's also a myth that sun exposure is completely beneficial to the hair. That's also false. UV exposed hair may appear thicker, and some people like the color changes, these are early signs of damage.

When exposed to UV rays, your hair is suspectable to increased free radical production. The amino acids in your hair can become disrupted. The hair's structural bonds can become damaged. Both of these conditions result in dry, brittle hair. Melanin in your hair degrades. Melanin affects the color of your hair, that's why your hair may change shades in sunlight, but it also forms a protective barrier for your scalp. Degraded melanin leads to sunburnt and damaged scalps.

One actual benefit is the increased production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is used to regulate hair growth and create the cells that form hair follicles. Healthy vitamin D levels promote healthy hair.

Our previous article, goes into more detail about how your hair works and how its structure is formed.


UV exposure can be quite damaging for our eyes. UV exposure over time accumulates and can result in cataracts and various eye cancers. Growths in the eyes, such as pinguecula and pterygium (Surfer's Eye) can be triggered by excess and improper UV exposure. These often start popping up in the early 20s.

There is a trend promoting a practice called, "sun gazing." The claim is that there is some benefit derived from looking at the sun. We could not find any recognized medical source that supports this practice. This is not a practice we endorse or encourage, all evidence from reputable scientific sources shows that looking at the sun is harmful and can result in irreparable damage.


There's a number of benefits of UV exposure for our bodies and minds, when done safely. First, as we've mentioned a few times, vitamin D production is dependent on UV exposure. Vitamin D is an important vitamin used for various functions in the body. Vitamin D is also needed to allow your body to make use of phosphorous and calcium as well as bone health. A derivative of vitamin D, called calcifediol, which increases in number with UV exposure is linked to reduced risk of cancers like colorectal, breast, and prostate.

UV exposure is necessary for your body's natural sleep/wake cycle. Exposure to sunlight early in the morning helps you to wake. As the light fades, your body is triggered to produce melatonin. If your sunlight exposure is low, you may experience excess drowsiness and low energy.

UV exposure is also linked to an improved immune system. In addition to the immune benefits linked to vitamin D, T cells also benefit. T cells are one of the most important components of the immune system. T cells, located in your skin, use UV light to produce hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is the source of locomotion for T cells which allows them to travel to the location of an infection.

Sunlight helps with mental health as well. Healthy and safe exposure to UV rays helps the body produce serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that boosts your mood and help you stay calm and focused. Vitamin D pops up here once again. Low vitamin D levels are associated with mental fog, depression, and anxiety.


A safe amount of sun exposure varies from person to person, time of year, and region to region. A doctor should be consulted in determining the right amount for you. In general, safe unprotected exposure in the Philippines is about 5 to 30 minutes twice per week between 10 AM and 4 PM. Sunlight outside of that time frame does not include the correct balance of UV types needed to provide any benefit. Exposure beyond this amount of time requires protective measures. Also keep in mind that different parts of the world and different times of the year have their own safe exposure times and limits.

Protecting Your Skin: In our previous article, we talked a bit about sunscreen and how to integrate it into your skin care routine. Sunscreen is essential to protecting our skin. You want a product that is 30-50 SPF that has moisturizing properties. Some sunscreens have physical blockers, others have chemical blockers, and some have both. Choose the one that feels best for you, just make sure the product has moisturizing properties. Adding additional moisturizer can degrade your sunscreen and will be counterproductive. You'll want to apply additional layers of sunscreen throughout the day- strive for every 2 hours if you spend a lot of time outside. If you don't spend a lot of time outside two to three applications should be sufficient. If you're wearing makeup you may want to use a tinted powder or aerosol product. Remember, clouds do not block UV rays. If you're outside, you need sunscreen.

Wearing clothing with a tight weave and SPF rating that covers your skin and head is also a great idea. Seeking shade will also limit your excess UV exposure.

Protecting Your Eyes: Sunglasses are your first line of defense. Make sure your glasses have a 100% UV rating and fit properly. Wearing a wide brimmed hat will increase your protection. You need to do this even on cloudy days, clouds do not block UV rays.

Protecting Your Hair: Your best defense is a barrier, hats and scarfs. Protective products with an SPF rating exist for hair care and can be used for extra protection. Hair care products that promote moisturization will also help. Make sure to let your stylist know if you're planning to use any such products as they may pose complications with other hair treatments you may wish to use. If you plan to spend a lot of time in the sun, you may want to avoid heat-based salon treatments as well.


There are some spa and salon services that we offer that can help fight sun damage. Keep in mind that while we can help with the visible impact and help provide a shield against damage, we can't fix the damage inside. Take care of yourself! None of our services are a substitution for good UV protective practices. If you are concerned about damage to your skin and eyes you need to see a doctor. UV exposure increases your chances for cancers and the sooner it is caught the better your chances of survival.

For The Skin:

24K Gold Facial

Slows down collagen depletion making the skin firmer and more elastic. Reduces the effects of aging. Gold is a conduit allowing deeper penetration of the treatment in the skin

BB Glow Therapy

Combines BB Glow, BB Blush, and Liptint in a 6 session treatment plan. More powerful than a facial, it uses a microneedle to painlessly deliver the treatment. Reduces redness, removes under eye circles, reduces large pores, fights acnes and melasma, restores dull skin to a youthful appearance. Adds a gentle blush, moisturizes lips and adds a semi-permanent lip color. Additional collagen and acne treatments are available. Materials are easily acquired but is only safe and effective when performed by an aesthetician who has completed a manufacturer approved training program

Deep Cleaning Facial

Our basic facial, removes toxins and excess oils, unclogs pores, removes dead skin cells, moisturizes and hydrates the skin

Facial w/ Diamond Peel

One of the most powerful peels available on the market. Uses a diamond to gently rub away old skin cells leaving a radiant and youthful look. Does not require harsh chemicals

Facial with Nano Whitening

A variant of the basic facial, imported from Thailand, reduces blemishes, wrinkles, sunburns, acne scars, blackheads, and hyperpigmentation. Leaves a light, radiant complexion.

Facial Rejuvenation

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes facial veins, reduces acne scars. Relieves sunspots, redness and rosacea

Galvanic Facelift

Uses a gentle galvanic current to aid in the deep penetration of the treatment. We use a collagen-based treatment to restore the skin's elasticity, remove wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.

IPL Rejuvenation

Use a powerful light to gently encourage collagen production which will reduce wrinkles and evens skin tone

Madonna Facial with Rejuvenation

Combines the effects of Madonna Gold with Rejuvenation

Madonna Gold Facial

Smooth, tighter skin. reduces open poors and acne scars. Lifted and contoured finish. Gold is a conduit allowing deeper penetration of the treatment in the skin

Aquaskin Diamond

Gluta, antioxidants. Gluta helps protect against UV damage


High gluta content, vitamin C. Gluta helps protect against UV damage

Shiro w/Stem Cell

High gluta content, stem cells, vitamin B and C. Gluta helps protect against UV damage

For the Hair:

Our stylists have a number of techniques and treatments they can use to help protect your hair and reverse some sun damage. Our hair spas really work wonders in revitalizing hair and scalps. Our stylist can help properly cut and treat damage hair as well as to provide nourishing treatments. If you've been exposing your hair to UV light in hopes of creating a thicker appearance or achieving a sun-kissed look, our stylists can help achieve those looks in a safer way.


Sunlight, primarily in the forms of UVA and UVB rays have a number of positive and negative effects on our bodies and minds. While it is possible to enjoy the positive effects, it is essential to take appropriate precautions against the negative ones. Mel's Hair and Nail Salon offers several treatments that can help repair some UV exposure damage as well as protect but it is essential that you lay a foundation of proper clothing and sunscreen. Concerns about the health of your skin and eyes should be addressed by a doctor so that signs of cancer can be caught and treated early.

Don't you deserve to feel and look your best?

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